Sydney Tram MuseumSydney Tram Museum
A typical morning for The Last Carriage ClubA typical morning for The Last Carriage Club
The Goods Line WalkThe Goods Line Walk
A Visit to ANSTO at Lucas HeightsA Visit to ANSTO at Lucas Heights
The Fun Boat - Sydney HarbourThe Fun Boat - Sydney Harbour


Club Meetings

Hawkesbury Probus Club meetings are held at the Richmond Club on the third Monday of each month (excepting December) at 10.30 am. A club by-law provides that each member must attend 50% of meetings unless a leave-of-absence is requested. This is usually granted for illness or extended trips away from home.

Restaurant Lunches

Lunches in restaurants or other suitable locations are planned about four times each year. These are mostly in the Hawkesbury District but on some occasions they may be held elsewhere. The lunches are usually good value being a pre-arranged selection from à la carte menus.

In December the restaurant lunch gives way to a special Christmas lunch which is well attended by most members of the club. The location of this event may vary from year to year but is often held at the Windsor RSL Club.

Chatterbox Coffee Club

The Chatterbox Coffee Club enables members to catch up casually between club meetings. Any member is very welcome to drop in to the nominated café on the published days.

Snooker Group

​The Snooker Group meets at the Crowne Plaza, Hawkesbury Valley Way at Windsor on the first Thursday of the month. The group is limited in size due to table limitations but these days are a lot of fun. Following two hours of snooker members enjoy a meal from the bar. 

​Ten-Pin Bowling Group

Ten-Pin Bowling is played on the 4th Thursday of each month (excepting school holidays). The venue is the Windsor Ten-Pin Bowl.


A wide variety of outings is organised for every month to locations in and around Sydney. Transport is by chartered coach, public transport or car-share.

Last Carriage Club

As senior citizens, Probus members are able to take advantage of the New South Wales government policy of travelling with a Senior/Pensioner Opal card on public transport. This allows unlimited travel  on any day for $2.50 and applies to trains, ferries, trams and buses. Each month groups go on a "mystery tour" where the itinerary is not disclosed until after they board the last carriage of the designated train at Richmond. Members who live in other suburbs can join the train at any station along the line.

Regional, Interstate and Overseas Tours

From time to time tours are conducted by coach to regions away from Sydney to places of special interest. Other tours, usually by coach but sometimes by ship are longer and go interstate. Less frequently but very importantly there are groups who travel together for very enjoyable trips overseas.

Caravan Cabin Camping Club (CCC Club)

This is another group within the club. It does not require ownership of a caravan, motorhome or camping equipment as the group uses the facilities of holiday parks and caravan parks. Cabins are always available. 

We have also introduced houseboat getaways to our events

Book Club

Members of the Book Club meet on the third Thursday of each month to discuss and exchange books. The meetings are currently held at Richmond Golf Club.

Other Groups

Other Groups meet regularly to pursue other interests such as Crafts, Tennis and Target Shooting.

Monthly Newsletter

Each month the Club Newsletter is distributed in three ways:-

            It is added to this website,
​            It is sent by email to all members who have given their email address, and
​            It is available at meetings in a printed form.

The newsletters convey all the necessary information to make members aware of current events. Members who want information from past newsletters are able to access them on this website.